遊佐未森 ゆさ みもり
宮城県仙台市出身。’88年アルバム『瞳水晶』(EPICソニー)でデビュー。 以後、一貫して質の高いアルバム制作をつづけ、天性のヴォイスときわめて独創的な音楽観が紡ぎだす歌の数々は、誰にも似ていない<遊佐未森の音楽>として日本のミュージックシーンにおける確固たる位置を確立している。 また、ライヴ活動も独自のスタンスで精力的に行う。
通常のホールコンサートのほか、’01年スタートの『cafe mimo 桃節句茶会』は小編成での自由な表現で人気を呼び、さらにピアノソロでの『bonbonniere』は音楽施設に場所を限らず、アットホームな弾語りを披露するなど、会場は彼女の歌と人柄で温かく包まれ、リピーターが多いことでも定評がある。 オリジナル・アルバムに加え、『檸檬』(’02年・東芝EMI)、『スヰート檸檬』(’08年・ヤマハミュージックコ ミュニケーションズ)といった、大正・昭和期の日本の名曲をカバーするシリーズをリリース。“もうひとつのライフワーク”として据えている。
代表作に「地図をください」(’89年・日清カップヌードルTVCMソング)、「クロ」(’05年・NHK『みんなのうた』放映楽曲)などがある。 良質で、年齢層を問わない音楽性に さらなる活躍が期待されている。
mimori yusa
Mimori Yusa, born in Sendai.
Debuted in 1988 with the album “Hitomi-suisho”, released from EPIC SONY.
Since then, she has continued to create albums of superior quality in her original style, featuring her crystal clear voice. This ‘Mimori Style’ has earned her a unique position in the Japanese music world. Moreover, her innovative concert activities have continued to fascinate audiences.
As well as performing at regular concert halls, Mimori introduced her “café mimo ~spring blossom tea party~” series in 2001 which has taken place every year since then. The series, featuring piano, guitar and drums, continues to win popularity, thanks to its freedom of expression.
In addition, “bonbonniere” is a series of solo piano performances, staged not only in music venues. These are intimate gatherings, wrapped in Mimori’s angelic voice and unique warmth of character.
Mimori has composed not only original albums but also albums featuring Japanese traditional songs and these too are an important part of her life’s work.
Examples are “Lemon”(’02,TOSHIBA EMI) and “Sweet Lemon” (’08,Yamaha Music Communications).
Mimori was creating healing music even before Japan’s ”healing boom” started. From the early days of her debut, she has been making music with a story. Subsequently, holding sessions with respected musicians both from Japan and abroad has allowed her to push forward the boundaries of her own music. The fact that Mimori’s music has grown and blossomed over the years shows that her originality springs from a truly regenerative source.
It might be said that Mimori’s music is floating 5cm above the field of “J-POP”. Now, 36 years after her debut, she continues to enjoy the trust and respect of fans and media alike.
Famous works include ”Give Me a Map”(’89), and “Kuro”(’05).
It is anticipated that Mimori will continue to create works of superior quality which are independent of both generation and genre.